Introducing RhetorAI, the ultimate AI-powered tool for gathering actionable feedback from conversational user surveys. Say goodbye to the days of manual feedback collection and welcome a world of efficiency and accuracy.

One of RhetorAI’s standout features is its ability to ask relevant follow-up questions automatically. This means that you can gain deep insights effortlessly, without having to manually probe further. The tool leverages its AI capabilities to understand user input and ask the most relevant questions to uncover valuable information.

But that’s not all. RhetorAI is a true powerhouse when it comes to volume. It has the capability to conduct hundreds of interviews per day, allowing you to gather data from a large number of users in a short amount of time. And the best part? All transcripts are permanently stored, ensuring that you have a comprehensive record of every interview.

When it comes to decision-making, RhetorAI has got you covered. The tool summarizes the most important findings from the interviews, making it a breeze to identify key insights and prioritize them for focused decision-making. No more sifting through endless data points – RhetorAI does the heavy lifting for you.

The use cases for RhetorAI are vast and powerful. It can be used to assess price sensitivity, product stickiness, and feature prioritization, helping you make informed decisions that align with your users’ needs. It is also a valuable tool for gathering design feedback and understanding the user journey, enabling you to create user-centric products and experiences. And let’s not forget its ability to uncover unexpected use cases and complement other data-gathering tools – RhetorAI is a versatile asset in your research toolkit.

In a nutshell, RhetorAI is your secret weapon for accelerating product-market fit. By automating user interviews and uncovering your customers’ deepest motivations and pain points, this AI-powered tool ensures that you are armed with the insights you need to create products that truly resonate with your target audience. Say hello to efficiency, accuracy, and a deeper understanding of your users – say hello to RhetorAI.